MEMBER SPOTLIGHT: Ascension Parish Library | Ascension Chamber of Commerce

We’re going on a world tour this summer, and you don’t even need to pack a suitcase! It’s time for Ascension Parish Library’s (APL) summer reading program. This year our theme Have Book, Will Travel, will take you to Guatemala and Columbia, introduce you to a musical bard of the Scottish Highlands, talk about how traditional Sicilian dishes influenced food culture in New Orleans, and there’s a virtual visit to India to learn traditional dance. Activities and performances are scheduled throughout the summer for adults and kids.
Our summer wouldn’t be complete without reading, so wander through the words of a book, audiobook, or magazine. Track your progress at myAPL.beanstack.org through Monday, July 31, to earn rewards and prizes. We look forward to exceeding the 3,477 kids, teens, and adults who participated in last year’s summer reading program.
Check out our events calendar, and let’s read, learn, create, and explore together!