Happy New Year!

I trust you had a wonderful holiday season. I’m excited, honored, and grateful to join the Ascension Chamber of Commerce staff and work together with the existing exceptional team that includes Obie, Carley, Denise, and our newest member, another David. As you would all agree, they are truly the cornerstone of the Chamber Office! Continuing our tradition, we remain committed to ensuring your rewarding experience as a Chamber member.

The Board recently identified Core Values that underscore our commitment and purpose as a Chamber organization: Integrity, Leadership and Advocacy, Inclusivity, Professionalism, and Community Service. These core values will guide our decision making as we work with you to cultivate this robust and thriving business community in the Ascension Area.

Our goal is to be a world-class business network, recognized as such throughout the state and nation. We will continue to foster excellence, innovation, and sustainable growth for the various sectors of this area’s commerce. Membership and Advocacy will be our primary areas of focus. Together, we will continue to build a dynamic business community and foster a positive impact on each other.

We appreciate your continued support, encouragement, and active participation!


David A. Alexander
President/CEO Ascension Chamber of Commerce