2023.24 Opportunity Ascension Resource Page

  • Golf Ascension Flag Sponsor Links Back 9 $900
  • Golf Ascension Flag Sponsor Lakes $900
>>> LINK: 2023.24 Volunteer Manual


>>> LINK: TRC Website: Sponsorship Inventory & Sales Tracking

This is where you can find what sponsorships are available, if your signed contracts have been logged, your total sales, etc.

>>> LINK: Company Assignments, Claim List, and Waiting List
  • You can see what volunteer has what company all in one document. Make sure to check both tabs… “Claims List” and “Company Assignments”
  • You can also see who is currently on the waiting list.
>>> LINK: Claim a company or add a prospective sponsor to the waiting list here
  • Use this to claim a company that is not currently listed on the previous link.
  • If you have someone that is interested in a sponsorship that does not currently appear available, you can also submit them on the waitlist.
>>> LINK: How to generate a new contract


>>> NEW LINK: Sponsorship/Event Overview One-Pager
  • You can share this with prospective sponsors to provide an overview of the sponsorship avenues offered through the Chamber.
>>> NEW LINK: Overview of Pricing & Other Changes from 2023-2024
  • This link outlines price changes from last year to this year for sponsorships that are up for renewal.

To Be Added:

  • LINK: Unrenewed and New Inventory for this year
  • TBA — LINK: 2023.24 Opportunity Ascension Volunteer Contact List/Teams
  • TBA — LINK: 2024 Ascension Chamber Annual Calendar